Dr. Li, Wenpei has 30 years of clinical and teaching experience. He graduates from Beijing University of TCM. He holds a Master Degree in USA, a Dr. TCM license of B.C. Canada, and an Acupuncturist license of California, USA.
Dr. Li, Yuanchao has 30 years of clinical and teaching experience. She graduates from Beijing University of TCM.
R.TCM.P Zhang, Shurong has more than 20 years of clinical and teaching experience. She holds a Master Degree from Tianjing University of TCM in China, and a TCM Practitioner license of B.C. Canada.
R.TCM.P Zhang, Lan has more than 10 years of clinical and teaching experience. She graduates from Beijing University of TCM in China. She holds a TCM Practitioner license of B.C. Canada.
R.TCM.P Feng, Chao has more than 10 years of clinical and teaching experience. He graduates from Tianjin University of TCM in China. He holds a TCM Practitioner license of B.C. Canada.
R.TCM.P Li, Yanmei holds a PH.D from from Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China. has more than 10 years of working experience in clinic and teaching at Tianjin University of TCM, China. more than 30 years of teaching experience.
R.Ac. Wang, Qian has more than 10 years of clinical and teaching experience. She graduates from Capital University of Medical Science in China. She holds an Acupuncturist license of B.C. Canada.
R.Ac. Huijun Zhang holds a Ph. D from Sun Yat Sen University of Medical Sciences in China. He is a professor in Sun Yat Sen Univer of Medical Sciences now. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience.
R.TCM.P Zhifang Yuan holds a Ph. D from He Bei University of Medical Sciences in China. He is a Licensed Pharmacist in China. He has more than 15 years of teaching experience.
Ms.You, Chunyan graduated from Fracture and Trauma of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Heilongjiang University. She has more than 10 years of working experience in Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.