Program Admission Requirements
Eligibility1. All the applications need to be 19 years or older prior to the program start in order to enroll with Vancouver Beijing College of Chinese Medicine (VBCOCM).
All applicants to our school programs must satisfy Vancouver Beijing College of Chinese Medicine's English or Chinese Proficiency Requirement. All applicants must complete at least 2 years of English or Chinese post-secondary education in order to satisfy the language proficiency requirement for their studies. 2. All the applicants should fully understand that CTCMA license examination and registration requirements as the following:
“For students planning to be licensed by the College of Tradtional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CTCMA) in BC, two (2) years of liberal arts and sciences (comprised of not less than 60 credits) in an accredited college or chartered/approved university acceptable to the CTCMA registration committee will be required to write the registration examinations. Please see the CTCMA website at resources/examinations/University Requirement.pdf for more information.” Application for Admission consists of the following:
Please send your completed application to VBCOCM #3135-8888 Odlin Crest. Richmond V6X 3Z8. A notice of admission will be mailed to the accepted applicant as early as possible. |
Academic Year
Hours of InstructionFull-time students attend twenty or more hours of classes per week, which include clinical training. In case that there are less then five students enrolled in a class, tutoring arrangements will be made with more intensive and efficient instruction as a result of reduced numbers of regular classroom contacts
Credit Courses for an Early StartStarting from the first week of January each year, credit courses are available for first-year student. These courses are provided to assist student who want to get a head start and to lighten the workload of the academic year. If you are interested in this option, contact the college for further information. We also offer summer courses starting May each year and an intensive Training Course to suit part time students, classes will be held in the evenings and weekends.